The brainchild of the late Dr. Sandro Spiteri, former Head of School, the San Anton School Community Social Engagement Programme is a project that brings the school community together to give back to society, through annual charitable initiatives.
With educational links across all sectors of the school, this holistic programme encourages social-emotional learning by developing empathy and caring for others and fosters socially responsible mindsets.
As we mark the remarkable 35-year journey of our school , we are thrilled to introduce our flagship project for the year, SEA Our Future as this year’s community engagement programme. This initiative is dedicated to fostering awareness about the sea and tackling the urgent issue of sea pollution.
In our commitment to make a meaningful impact on the local community, we are partnering with the NGO Żibel co-founded by Old Antonian, Andrew Schembri. Our joint focus is to educate students on ocean literacy, a key area emphasized by the UN in its agenda for 2030.SEA Our Future will thread through various activities throughout the year, starting with the upcoming Science Fair in the Senior Sector to Open Day, amongst others.
In addition to these efforts, we will be raising funds to co-fund an artificial reef, a project spearheaded by Żibel. This initiative holds paramount importance in the regeneration of Maltese waters and the preservation of the local marine ecosystem for generations to come. It also stands as a legacy for our school's 35 years of existence.