San Anton Educators Engage in Professional Development Day

April 17, 2023

As educators, we understand the importance of continuous learning and skill development. That's why Professional Development Days are so crucial for teachers, and San Anton Educators returned to school today after the Easter break to attend one such event. The day was filled with engaging and interactive training workshops, delivered by both in-house and external education practitioners.

During the event, the Senior Sector team had the privilege of attending a presentation by Professor Alexiei Dingli. As a Professor of AI at the University of Malta and San Anton School board deputy chairman, Prof. Dingli delivered an informative and insightful talk on the current AI challenges in education. The presentation sparked a thought-provoking discussion among the attendees.

Meanwhile, the Early Years and Junior Sector educators attended a range of workshops that covered various topics, including reading schemes, literacy programme assessments, Autism in the classroom, and Maths escape rooms. These workshops were aimed at enhancing the teachers' knowledge and skills in these areas, which would translate into better classroom practices and student outcomes.

Professional Development Days are essential for educators as they offer opportunities for ongoing learning, skill development, and reflection. Such days enable educators to enhance their teaching practice, stay up-to-date with the latest educational trends and research, and ultimately improve student outcomes. As a result, students benefit from their teachers' improved teaching methods, which can help them achieve better academic results.

Our educators are enthusiastic about taking what they have learnt and applying it in the classroom to provide the best possible education for our students. We believe that Professional Development Days like these are crucial for our educators' professional growth, and we are excited to see the positive impact on our students' academic performance.

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