PGL UK Adventure Trip

March 28, 2024

The Easter holidays proved to be an exhilarating adventure for many of our Grade 10 students as they embarked on a memorable journey to PGL Caythorpe Court, accompanied by dedicated educators.

PGL Caythorpe Court, nestled in the picturesque landscape of Linconshire, United Kingdom, spans 65 acres, offering a diverse range of outdoor activities and opportunities for personal growth.

Throughout the week-long excursion, students engaged in a plethora of thrilling outdoor pursuits, including zip-lining, rock-climbing, abseiling, and archery. Divided into teams, they tackled collaborative challenges designed to foster teamwork, effective communication, and problem-solving skills.

Undoubtedly, the giant swing emerged as a standout experience, as students courageously embraced the exhilarating sensation of being hoisted high into the air before soaring through the sky. Many conquered personal fears, emerging from the adventure with newfound confidence and pride in their accomplishments.

Beyond mere enjoyment, the PGL experience served as a catalyst for profound personal development. Students honed invaluable attributes such as resilience, leadership, and teamwork, encouraged to push beyond their comfort zones and embrace novel challenges.

Returning from PGL, Grade 10 students radiated newfound confidence and self-assurance, realising their capacity for achievement when determination fuels their endeavors. Moreover, the journey fostered deeper bonds among classmates, strengthening the collective spirit of the grade.

This excursion marked San Anton School's 16th visit to PGL, a testament to the enduring impact of this transformative experience. None of this would have been achievable without the unwavering support and dedication of our exceptional team of educators, whose tireless commitment ensured the students' safety and enriched their experience.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to these educators for their selfless dedication, invaluable expertise, and unwavering encouragement, shaping unforgettable memories and inspiring personal growth among our students.

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