Diversity Day

March 25, 2023

Friday 24th March 2023 was a fantastic day of celebrating diversity throughout the whole school with various age-appropriate sessions being organised according to sector, by our Department of Emotional Wellbeing.

Our little ones in the Early Years, had a great time reading the beautiful story "Only One You" by Linda Kranz, which promotes the importance of embracing our unique qualities and differences. The children also painted their own pebbles, representing each child and their uniqueness, which were then placed in the school`s nature area.

The Junior Sector celebrated different cultures and traditions from all around the world with the help of various parents who set up stalls in the school foyer, to represent their respective cultures.

Various fun activities, such as cultural food tasting, traditional music, and interactive displays took place, showcasing different languages and customs and it was wonderful to see how engaged and enthusiastic the children were about learning to appreciate and respect the diversity around them.

 In the Senior Sector, this took on the form of a Human Library, which was a unique and powerful experience that allowed the guests to share their personal stories and experiences related to diversity and inclusion.

The Human Library is a concept that allows people to "borrow" a "book" - which is a person who has a unique story or perspective to share. These "books" came from a wide range of backgrounds - including different ethnicities, religions, physical and learning challenges, sexualities, and socio-economic backgrounds, all in line with the National Inclusion Guidelines and PSCD curriculum.

It was truly inspiring to hear from these individuals and learn about their experiences, struggles, and triumphs. By sharing their stories, they helped to break down stereotypes and promote empathy and understanding.

This event was a wonderful celebration of diversity and inclusion, and a great reminder that everyone has a story worth hearing. We are grateful to be part of a community that embraces and celebrates differences, and we hope that events like this, which were a first at San Anton, will continue to promote acceptance and understanding.

 At San Anton School, we believe that diversity is not just something to be celebrated on one day but an integral part of our everyday learning and growth. We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all our children to thrive and succeed.

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