Our Day Care Programme

Our Day Care Programme aims to promote every child’s positive self-image and independent  learning.  We strive to help children develop confidence and become self-directed in learning activities.

Developing Physical Skills
  • Helping children to develop gross motor skills such as walking, jumping, balancing, running, climbing, crawling, throwing and catching a small ball and riding wheeled equipment.
  • Helping children to develop fine motor skills such as opening, closing, twisting, turning, pouring, zipping, inserting, cutting using age-appropriate scissors and knives, holding, pounding, printing, tracing and painting.
Developing Cognitive skills
  • Helping children ask and answer questions while using their senses to explore their world.
  • Helping children develop concepts about their world involving shape, colour, size, series, and number.
  • Helping children learn about their world by caring for the things in it through hands-on experiences.
Developing Communication skills
  • Helping children develop their articulation and language production.
  • Encouraging verbal communication of thoughts and feelings.
  • Encouraging the use of books and stories to motivate listening, speaking and emergent reading.
Developing Creative skills
  • Giving children the time, opportunity and freedom to carry out pretend and fantasy role-play.
  • Providing a variety of art materials and activities for children to explore on their own.
  • Encouraging children to create and have fun with music and movement.
Developing a Positive self-concept
  • Instilling in children the notion of self-worth.
  • Instilling in children the notion of accepting diversity and of accepting one another.
  • Helping every child to experience success in the classroom.
  • Helping children to master major self-help skills such as feeding and independent toilet use.
Promoting Social skills
  • Providing opportunities for children to work and play cooperatively.
  • Helping children learn to enter ongoing play.
  • Providing experiences that held children respect the rights of others through sharing and turn taking.